Why the Elitist Mentality is a Recipe for Disaster

Bima Utomo
2 min readDec 31, 2022

Are you tired of the “elitist” mindset taking over the world? Do you feel like certain individuals or groups think they are better than everyone else and that their perspective is the only one that matters? It’s time to take a closer look at the elitist mindset and how it affects our ability to create a better world.

Photo by Franciele da Silva on Unsplash

First of all, what is the elitist mindset? It’s the belief that certain individuals or groups are inherently superior to others and therefore deserve more privileges or opportunities. This often leads to a judgmental and closed-off mentality, where people are quick to dismiss others based on their perceived worthiness or value.

So what’s the problem with this mindset? For one, it can create division and conflict among different groups. It can also prevent us from seeing the value and potential in others, leading to missed opportunities for growth and collaboration.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. There are steps we can take to combat the elitist mindset and create a more tolerant and inclusive world. Here are a few tips:

  • Seek out diverse perspectives. Don’t just surround yourself with people who think like you do. Seek out individuals with different backgrounds and experiences to broaden your understanding and empathy.
  • Be open to learning and growing. No one has all the answers, and we can all learn from each other. Be open to changing your perspective and growing as a person.
  • Practice tolerance and acceptance. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, even if they differ from yours. Try to be understanding and accepting of others, even if you don’t agree with them.

By adopting these attitudes and behaviors, we can work towards a more inclusive and compassionate world. So let’s ditch the elitist mindset and embrace a more open and tolerant perspective.



Bima Utomo

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