The Unexpected Ways in Which Photography Can Transform Your Mindset

Bima Utomo
2 min readDec 30, 2022

Have you ever looked at a photograph and felt like you were transported to a different time and place? Or how a single image can stir up a range of emotions within you? Photography has the power to not only document the world around us, but to also shift our psychological logic and create a deeper connection with the subject matter.

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

But why is this the case? Here are a few reasons why photography can have such a profound effect on our psychological logic:

  • Photography allows us to see the world through someone else’s eyes. By looking at a photograph, we are given the opportunity to experience a moment or a perspective that we may not have otherwise been able to. This can help to broaden our understanding and empathy towards others. Imagine being able to see the world through the eyes of a child, or an elderly person, or someone from a completely different culture. Photography gives us this opportunity, allowing us to gain a new and deeper understanding of the world around us.
  • Photography can serve as a form of self-expression. When we take a photograph, we are choosing to capture a specific moment or subject that holds meaning to us. This act of creation allows us to express ourselves and share our unique perspective with the world. Whether it’s through the subject matter we choose to photograph or the way we compose the image, photography is a way for us to communicate our thoughts, feelings, and experiences without using words.
  • Photography can be therapeutic. Taking and looking at photographs can provide a sense of calm and clarity. It can also be a way to process and make sense of our emotions and experiences. Whether it’s reminiscing about a special memory or simply enjoying the beauty of an image, looking at photographs can have a soothing and therapeutic effect on the mind.
  • Photography stimulates the brain and promotes creativity. The act of taking a photograph requires us to engage in visual analysis and decision-making, which can stimulate the brain and promote creativity. Photography also requires us to be present in the moment and to observe our surroundings carefully, which can help to improve our focus and attention to detail.

So next time you’re feeling stuck or disconnected, try picking up a camera and seeing the world through a new lens. You never know what kind of impact it may have on your psychological logic. Whether it’s through the act of creation or simply the act of looking at photographs, the power of photography to shift our psychological logic is undeniable.



Bima Utomo

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